How does bioresonance help?

The Root Cause

Paul Schmidt and Rayonex have spent 40 years researching and mapping the resonant fields of the human body.

They have also discovered how different exogenous frequencies not only have positive effect but can also have a negative effect.

The premise of (Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt) BaPS is that there is little point in offering therapy without first reducing the causal stressors.

The Key

Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt was developed to help ‘retune’ our bodies. Only using sinusoidal waves which have been shown to have a positive harmonising effect on our bodies. Unlike a lot of technology that emit waves in rectangular, triangular or pulsed modulated field which are not beneficial to biological organisms and have a destabilising effect.

Bioresonance (BaPS)

The cause – oriented treatment approach


A person who is experiencing frequent migraines can take a pain killer to help deal with their pain. But this does not help with what caused the migraine in the first instance. If what is causing the migraines is not discovered, then all we are doing is treating the symptom. Migraines can have many causes, from hormonal imbalances, toxins, intestinal permeability and food intolerance to strong electromagnetic fields all have all shown that migraines can be a symptom of these causes.

Since 1982 Rayonex Biomedical GmbH have been developing and producing Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt’s discoveries.

The Rayocomp PS1000 polar high med device offers both comprehensive analysis and harmonisation functions and the Rayonex PS10 which is a mobile device that can also be used for analysis and harmonising.

Their analysis research has focused on understanding what frequency indicates a disturbance in the field and what indicates a harmonised frequency. For example, if you were to take a sample of people who have been clinically diagnosed with liver disease and compare them with people who do not have liver disease there is a difference in the frequency of their livers. The researchers meticulously sought out what frequency was disturbed and common to all.

Using this map, they have development their devices that not only can be used to discover energetic disturbances but also emit a harmonising wave field that helps bring the body back into balance.

This is where Bioresonance can really help people understand the potential cause. It is only once the causal burden is detected and eliminated that long term effects can take place. The Rayoscan can pick up energetic disturbances throughout the body and correlate these to likely causes. They have developed their devices to focus intensely on causal influences such as electro smog, over acidification, unbalanced intestinal flora, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, pollutants, toxins, diet and many other aspects, offering corresponding solutions developed in accordance with Bioresonance.

rayoscan, ECG & heart rate variability

This complete holistic energetic analysis provides an individual map or key for a particular person.



The Rayoscan integrates ECG/EKG into their existing technology by using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and correlates this to the fundamental frequency values (FFV) first developed by Paul Schmidt. These FFV’s correspond with various physiological and pathological states within the body.

This complete holistic energetic analysis provides an individual map or key for a particular person. A baseline that shows excesses and deficiencies that correspond to each FV. The Rayoscan then uses this ‘fingerprint’ to suggest FFV for therapy in the BaPS and RAH system. The goal is to scan on a regular bases to monitor the progress of a particular therapy.

Heart Rate variability (HRV)

HRV is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. It is controlled by our nervous system. Our nervous system automatically regulates many systems and functions within the body including our heart rate, breathing, digestion and blood pressure.

Our nervous system reacts to positive and negative stimulus and these effects can be measured within our HRV.

Using HRV as our guide we can see how these different stimuli are either having a calming effect or a stimulating effect on our autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Our ANS is there to react when we need it to, such as when we are in danger – our fight or flight response causing physiological changes within our bodies, and to calm us back down again, relaxing us once a danger has passed. It is affected by a poor night’s sleep, stress at work, a tiger charging at us, a nightmare but also by being in nature, a hug from a loved one, a kiss from a lover, a massage and laughter.

HRV will reflect all these, but it also can indicate if there are long term stressors within our bodies. One missed night of sleep we can easily recover from, but long-term sleep disturbances have a detrimental effect on us and this reflects in our HRV

You can also use HRV to discover if a certain food stimulates the ANS as a stressor. If we have an intolerance to a certain food stuff this is reflected in our HRV.

Based on data gathered from many people if you have a low HRV it can be an indication your system (ANS) is spending more time in your fight or flight mode, whereas a higher HRV tone indicates you are spending more time in a relaxed state.