Why You Should Embrace Grass Fed Butter

It’s not a secret that grass fed butter is totally trusted and healthy to use. It makes food taste good and even turns your coffee into an appetizing healthy ‘latte like’ drink.* Grass fed butter  contains a lot of minerals, vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, K and K2, omega-3, anti-oxidants, butyrate (a fatty acid that combats inflammation, improves digestive health and may help prevent weight gain) and even healthy fats.

Oh yes, some fats are now seen as healthy because they contain large amounts of both saturated fat and cholesterol, which has been proven by recent studies to be good for your health because it actually improves the blood lipid profile. Saturated fat raises ‘the good’ cholesterol and changes the ‘the bad’ cholesterol to a nonthreatening subtype that is not associated with heart disease.

With this new report, grass fed butter is now becoming the butter of choice in the market and steadily growing in popularity. People are beginning to trust butter again as compared to margarine and other vegetable oil based spreads.

Personally, I’m a fan of grass fed butter. I love how it tastes. I love the way it flavours the taste of other foods. I love how it melts. I love the rich creamy feel it imparts to delicious recipes and also I love the fact that it is natural.  If you can get fresh, grass fed butter, that’s going to be the crème de la crème. But for most of us, that’s not an option. If you do have access to grass fed cream though, make your own butter at home, if you know how to. It tastes amazing! But if none of these is an option for you, go buy yourself grass fed butter such as Kerrygold instead of some junky vegetable oil spread.

The main ingredients in most margarine are vegetable oils such as soybean oil or safflower oil. Most vegetable oils are unsaturated, which is really bad and problematic because unsaturated oils are liquid at room temperature and cannot be used as spreads.

In order to solve this problem, the vegetable oils are subjected to hydrogenation process, which has to do with exposing the oils to high heat, high pressure, hydrogen gas and a metal catalyst – this is nauseating if you ask me.

This process prolongs the shelf life of margarine and other vegetable oil spreads and makes them harder/solid at room temperature, giving them a similar consistency to saturated fats. However, hydrogenated fats are highly toxic and strongly linked to heart disease.

Bottom line: An animal’s health outcome depends mainly on what it eats, or ate. Cows eat grass in their natural surroundings. So, butter from grass fed cows is very healthy and nourishing.


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