How to get vitamins into your kids?

Both my husband and I take supplements. I don't believe that taking them should replace a good diet but I definitely believe that taking them helps stop the gaps and supports all of our bodies systems. The challenge though is how to ensure that my kids are getting all the nutrients they need. I have 2 boys 8 & 6 and they both like different foods. One loves meat and fruit and the other likes more veg than meat and no fruit! So neither is getting the right balance. As much as possible we are always working on expanding their food choices, we've tried every incentive going. Star points, pocket money, counting veg. 

Watching Bear Grylls on the Discovery channel worked great for a while and the boys loved getting whole fish on their plates, and checking out what was inside their heads! It was easier to get them to eat a fish eye than it was cauliflower.

One of the exciting products I've found recently is Nutreince. This is now my no.1 favourite multi vitamin. Before I found this I was taking lots and lots of different supplements and to be honest I found it totally overwhelming the amount of choice out there and also the worry about how they all interacted with each other. But what's really good about Nutreince is that its in powder form and is suitable for ages 4+. So for the last few days I've been experimenting with Jelly. Both my kids love jelly and initial response to these is 50/50 which is actually very good. Day one I could only get one of them to try it but day 2 both have. They don't love it yet but they also don't hate it. With a little encouragement (pocket money bribery and guilt discussions about how we're just trying to make sure they are healthy!) oh and the saying that after 10 times they will like it - I reckon I'm onto a winner


What is Bioresonance


Are you missing something? Magnesium!