Green Smoothie Health Benefits

I recently purchased a high powered blender. My goal was to increase the amount of vegetables I eat.

I’ve been using my new blender now for 3 weeks and I have to say I do not regret the investment at all. I’ve been having a Green Smoothie every morning and I’m really feeling the benefits. Its a bit like a thick green cold soup – so you'd think that I wouldn't like it and take a while to get used to it. Quite the opposite. The biggest challenge I’ve found is actually having enough vegetables. If I run out I’m really disappointed and miss my morning smoothie.

Here’s my recipe. I sometimes don’t have all the below ingredients or swap them around.

Serves 2 (large glasses)


Handful of Spinach

Small handful of Kale – (lightly steamed and rinsed)

¼ cucumber

1-2 sticks celery

1 small avocado

1 green apple (granny smith) or portion of fresh pineapple

Juice of 1 lime

1 tablespoon Linseed or Chia Seeds

Inch root ginger

1 large glass water

Here are just some of the many benefits of all the ingredients

Spinach – Potassium, Vit A, C & B6, Iron & Magnesium

Kale – Iron, Calcium, Vit K, A, anti inflammatory (lightly steamed and rinsed to reduce goitrogens which can block thyroid function if eaten raw)

Cucumber – Vit C & A, anti inflammatory, silica (good for connective tissues)

Celery – Helps lower blood pressure, boost white blood cell production, diuretic

Avocado – 20 essential nutrients, high in good saturated fat

Linseed (flaxseed) – High Omega 3 and fibre

Green Apple – Potassium, Vit C

Lime Juice – High Vit C and aids detoxification

Ginger – Anti inflammatory

Pineapple – Anti inflammatory, Bromelain (aids digestion of protein) Vit C & A

Chia Seed – High in Protein, fibre & Omega 3

For a real energy boost have a Bulletproof Coffee as well for breakfast. So now you are having a High Fat High vegetable breakfast - Perfect!

After researching the different manufactures I settled on a The Optimum 9400 from for £338.95 inc shipping certainly not cheap! However when comparing this against the 2 other brand leaders Blentec and Vitamix its credentials were impressive beating it hands down for power and the price very competitive with the Vitamix Pro500 retailing at £599.99 and Blendtec HP3A retailing at £455.00


Why supplement with Omega 3?


Bulletproof Protein Fast